It is the most wonderful gift of all because these angels has its real meaning and significance behind it. Therefore whoever received it are likely to treasure it forever.

These angels are linked to your birthstone and each different month have its own special angels.
Do you know your own Guardian Angel and the story behind it? How they protect you?
Here are the listing of each angels and the story behind it.
The Angel of January

The Angel of January teaches us to look within, to take stock of ourselves and our lives. The January angel keeps us company as we ponder over those long, cold winter nights, helping us to be honest with ourselves and patient at the same time. Conveying the wisdom of an elder, the January angel takes our hand as we seek to glean understanding from our lessons of the past year. With this support, we can give ourselves both recognition and admonition and admonition in their turn. With this help, we can chart a new course or alter our present one. We seek and receive the companionship of the January angel to warm us through the winter of our introspection.
Meaning: Consistency, enduarance, creativity & patient
Color: Dark Red (
Personal Characteristics:
- Stubborn and hard-hearted.
- Ambitious and serious.
- Loves to teach and be taught.
- Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses.
- Likes to criticize.
- Hardworking and productive.
- Smart, neat and organized.
- Sensitive and has deep thoughts.
- Knows how to make others happy.
- Quiet unless excited or tensed.
- Rather reserved.
- Highly attentive.
- Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.
- Romantic but has difficulties expressing love.
- Loves children.
- Loyal.
- Has great social abilities yet easily jealous.
- Very Stubborn and money cautious.
The Angel of February

The Angel of February is the angel of patience. During the dark, blustery nights of February, when nature is in a deep chill and we long for a sign of warmth and life, this angel can help us learn to await with grace the first signs of spring. February's angel teaches us that winter has its own special peace, that being snowbound or staying indoors can give us a welcome reprise from the busyness of life. In February, we can complete unfinished projects and prepare for new initiatives in the spring. The angel of February brings us the gift of patience, helping us to enjoy the solitude and quiet of the winter, guiding us to replenish our energy for the warm, busy days to come.
Meaning: Sincerity, intuition, motivation
Color : Purple (Amethyst)
Personal Characteristics:
- Abstract thoughts.
- Loves reality and abstract.
- Intelligent and clever.
- Changing personality.
- Attractive.
- Sexy.
- Temperamental.
- Quiet, shy and humble.
- Honest and loyal.
- Determined to reach goals.
- Loves freedom.
- Rebellious when restricted.
- Loves aggressiveness.
- Too sensitive and easily hurt.
- Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
- Dislike unnecessary things.
- Loves making friends but rarely shows it.
- Daring and stubborn.
- Ambitious.
- Realizing dreams and hopes.
- Sharp.
- Loves entertainment and leisure.
- Romantic on the inside, not outside.
- Superstitious and ludicrous.
- Spendthrift.
- Tries to learn to show emotions.
The Angel of March

The Angel of March brings us stamina and courage. As winter ends, we take heart from the crocuses that push their way up through the snow. The Angel of March cheers us on through life's frozen moments, boosting our morale and helping us achieve new landmarks. With the angel's help, we dare to break through whatever barrier, whether personal belief or lack of self-confidence, that holds us back. We gather the will to launch a lifelong dream or begin the project we have envisioned but never dared to tackle. As the sun begins to warm our spirits, the March angel rejoices with us at the first signs of spring and lends us courage to prepare for a new and daunting, but also fulfilling, task.
Meaning: Courage, Creativity, Health, Perception, Hope
Color : Pale Blue (Aquamarine)
Personal Characteristics :
- Attractive personality.
- Sexy
- Affectionate.
- Shy and reserved.
- Secretive.
- Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.
- Loves peace and serenity.
- Sensitive to others.
- Loves to serve others.
- Easily angered.
- Trustworthy.
- Appreciative and returns kindness
- Observant and assesses others.
- Revengeful.
- Loves to dream and fantasize.
- Loves traveling.
- Loves attention.
- Hasty decisions in choosing partners.
- Loves home decors.
- Musically talented.
- Loves special things.
- Moody.
- Not always sociable.
The Angel of April

The Angel of April is the spirit of rebirth. As the days grow longer and the sun begins to warm us, April is a time for new life and new beginnings. April's angel spurs us to test ourselves in new directions and to make ourselves vulnerable in the face of unfamiliar people and places. Encouraged by the April angel, we search for novel endeavors that will enrich our lives and bring new meaning to our career or family roles. The April angel teaches us to delight in each sign of awakening, in nature and in ourselves.
Meaning: Innocence, Eternity, Courage, Health, Purity
Color : Clear (
Personal Characteristics :
- Active and dynamic.
- Decisive and haste but tends to regret.
- Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
- Strong mentality.
- Loves attention.
- Diplomatic.
- Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems.
- Brave and fearless.
- Adventurous.
- Loving and caring.
- Suave and generous.
- Emotional.
- Aggressive.
- Hasty.
- Good memory.
- Motivates oneself and others.
- Sickness usually of the head and chest.
- Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.
The Angel of May

The Angel of May brings the blush and promise of spring. May's angel rejoices with us as we take heart at the sight of trees ad shrubs in bloom and relish our anticipation of the fruits to come. This angel of spring reminds us that this is a time of awakening the seed within ourselves. Perhaps we have a deep longing, an artistic talent never explored or a friendship never quite attempted. This angel of May will help us discover this potential, nurturing our spirits as we can dare to fulfill this hidden promise and bring forth the fruit of a life fully lived.
Meaning: Love, Success, Happiness, Goodness
Color : Dark Green (Emerald)
Personal Characteristics :
- Stubborn and hard-hearted.
- Strong-willed and highly motivated.
- Sharp thoughts
- Easily angered.
- Attracts others and loves attention
- Deep feelings
- Beautiful physically and mentally.
- Firm.
- Standpoint.
- Needs no motivation.
- Easily consoled.
- Systematic (left brain).
- Loves to dream.
- Strong clairvoyance.
- Understanding.
- Sickness usually in the ear and neck.
- Good imagination.
- Good physical.
- Weak breathing.
- Loves literature and the arts.
- Loves traveling.
- Dislike being at home.
- Restless.
- Not having many children.
- Hardworking.
- High spirited.
- Spendthrift.
The Angel of June

The Angel of June helps us flourish and grow strong. June's angel teaches us to sustain our enthusiasm for the new projects and directions we started in the spring. In this glorious time of sunshine and growth, we learn to seek out the warmth of friendships and family ties, to help nurture the seeds we planted and become all that we were meant to be. The angel of June urges us to be steadfast in our intentions, to renew our dedication, and to stay on course.
Meaning: Faith, Charity, Innocence, Health, Peace, Longevity & Prosperity
Color : Light Purple (Lite Amethyst)
Personal Characteristics:
- Thinks far with vision.
- Easily influenced by kindness.
- Polite and soft-spoken.
- Having lots of ideas.
- Sensitive.
- Active mind.
- Hesitating, tends to delay.
- Choosy and always wants the best.
- Temperamental.
- Funny and humorous.
- Loves to joke.
- Good debating skills.
- Talkative.
- Daydreamer.
- Friendly.
- Knows how to make friends.
- Abiding.
- Able to show character.
- Easily hurt.
- Prone to getting colds
- Loves to dress up.
- Easily bored.
- Fussy.
- Seldom shows emotions.
- Takes time to recover when hurt.
- Brand conscious.
- Executive.
- Stubborn.
The Angel of July

The Angel of July brings a season of leisure, a time to play and replenish our energy. The projects we began in the spring should be well underway and growing stronger on their own. July's angel urges us to take the time, now, to step back and observe what we have planted. The July angel encourages us to tend the garden of our life, to care for what we have started, and to be objective enough to weed out the unhealthy or unproductive elements. This angel of summer reminds us to nurture the people and things that bring us happiness, so we can product for ourselves a crop of joy and fulfillment.
Meaning: Nobility, Contentment, Love, Enthusiasm, Strength
Color : Dark Pink (RUBY)
Personal Characteristics :
- Fun to be with.
- Secretive.
- Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
- Quiet unless excited or tensed.
- Takes pride in oneself.
- Has reputation.
- Easily consoled.
- Honest.
- Concerned about people's feelings.
- Tactful.
- Friendly.
- Approachable.
- Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
- Moody and easily hurt.
- Witty and sparkly.
- Not revengeful.
- Forgiving but never forgets.
- Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
- Guides others physically and mentally.
- Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
- Caring and loving.
- Treats others equally.
- Strong sense of sympathy.
- Wary and sharp.
- Judges people through observations.
- Hardworking.
- No difficulties in studying.
- Loves to be alone.
- Always broods about the past and the old friends.
- Likes to be quiet.
- Homely person.
- Waits for friends.
- Never looks for friends.
- Not aggressive unless provoked.
- Prone to having stomach and dieting problems.
- Loves to be loved.
- Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
The Angel of August

The Angel of August is the angel of perseverance. The new directions we began in the spring may have become difficult to sustain. Like a garden that needs constant watering and weeding in the scorching August sun, our projects and dreams require stamina and determination to bring them to fruition. The angel of August helps us with unflagging energy to tend the garden we have planted. When the hot summer sun and the work of our lives demand too much of us, the August angel brings us the fortitude to cleave to our tasks through completion.
Meaning: Success, Peace, Married Happiness / Family Happiness, Luck, Courage
Color : Green (Peridot)
Personal Characteristics:
- Loves to joke.
- Attractive.
- Suave and caring.
- Brave and fearless.
- Firm and has leadership qualities.
- Knows how to console others.
- Too generous and egoistic.
- Takes high pride of oneself.
- Thirsty for praises.
- Extraordinary spirit.
- Easily angered.
- Angry when provoked.
- Easily jealous.
- Observant.
- Careful and cautious.
- Thinks quickly.
- Independent thoughts.
- Loves to lead and to be led.
- Loves to dream.
- Talented in the arts, music and defense.
- Sensitive but not petty.
- Poor resistance against illnesses.
- Learns to relax.
- Hasty and trusty.
- Romantic.
- Loving and caring.
- Loves to make friends
The Angel of September

The Angel of September helps us prepare for the harvest at hand. As the summer draws to a close, September's angel reminds us to pause and gather fresh strength because the culmination of a project often demands one last surge of energy. The September angel brings us this boost, seeing us through to the fulfillment of our task. This late-summer angel also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others the bounty of what we have created in our lives. In September, we take delight in our good fortune, whether in a garden, a relationship, or a career, and we share our joy with all those whose support has made our harvest possible.
Meaning: Clear thinking, Wisdom, Love serenity, Purity, Truth
Color : Deep Blue (Sapphire)
Personal Characteristics :
- Suave and compromising.
- Careful, cautious and organized.
- Likes to point out people's mistakes.
- Likes to criticize.
- Stubborn.
- Quiet but able to talk well.
- Calm and cool.
- Kind and sympathetic.
- Concerned and detailed.
- Loyal but not always honest.
- Does work well.
- Very confident.
- Sensitive.
- Thinking generous.
- Good memory.
- Clever and knowledgeable.
- Loves to look for information.
- Must control oneself when criticizing.
- Able to motivate oneself.
- Understanding.
- Fun to be around.
- Secretive.
- Loves sports, leisure and traveling.
- Hardly shows emotions.
- Tends to bottle up feelings.
- Very choosy, especially in relationships.
- Systematic.
The Angel of October

The Angel of October rejoices as we reap the harvest of what we have sown in life. October is a good time to step back from our projects and our dreams and to take a hard look at what we have actually accomplished. The October angel helps us to be honest and objective about what is good and what is not. With this help, we can face clearly the consequences of our choices over these past seasons. We will taste our harvest and reject what is bitter or unripe; we will make note of what worked and what did not, and we will change for the better. October's angel teaches us that the greatest fruit of our personal harvest is understanding ourselves.
Meaning : Hope, Purity, Health, Innocence
Color : Pink (Rose)
Personal Characteristics:
- Loves to chat.
- Loves those who loves them.
- Loves to takes things at the center.
- Inner and physical beauty.
- Lies but doesn't pretend.
- Gets angry often.
- Treats friends importantly.
- Always making friends.
- Easily hurt but recovers easily.
- Daydreamer.
- Opinionated.
- Does not care of what others think.
- Emotional.
- Decisive.
- Strong clairvoyance.
- Loves to travel, the arts and literature.
- Touchy and easily jealous.
- Concerned.
- Loves outdoors.
- Just and fair.
- Spendthrift.
- Easily influenced.
- Easily loses confidence.
- Loves children.
The Angel of November

The Angel of November is the angel of humility. This autumn angel brings a special gift that helps deepen the meaning of the Thanksgiving season for ourselves and our loved ones. November's angel urges us to acknowledge and appreciate the supporting roles others have played in our lives this year and even thank those who have taught us difficult lessons. The angel of November leads us to give thanks in a new way by forgiving old hurts and healing broken relationships. Thus we help one another to be truly grateful for our relationships and the richness they bring to our lives.
Meaning: Courage, Friendship, Fidelity, Wisdom, Serenity
Color : Yellow (Topaz)
Personal Characteristics:
- Has a lot of ideas.
- Difficult to fathom.
- Thinks forward.
- Unique and brilliant.
- Extraordinary ideas.
- Sharp thinking.
- Fine and strong clairvoyance.
- Can become good doctors.
- Dynamic in personality.
- Secretive.
- Inquisitive.
- Knows how to dig secrets.
- Always thinking.
- Less talkative but amiable.
- Brave and generous.
- Patient.
- Stubborn and hard-hearted.
- If there is a will, there is a way.
- Determined.
- Never give up.
- Hardly becomes angry unless provoked.
- Loves to be alone.
- Thinks differently from others.
- Sharp-minded.
- Motivates oneself.
- Does not appreciate praises.
- High-spirited.
- Well-built and tough.
- Deep love and emotions.
- Romantic.
- Uncertain in relationships.
- Homely.
- Hardworking.
- High abilities.
- Trustworthy.
- Honest and keeps secrets.
- Not able to control emotions.
- Unpredictable
The Angel of December

The Angel of December is the angel of generosity. The December angel celebrates with us this time of giving gifts to all the wild creatures and to all of God's children. The angel of December leads us to join hands with people of all races and religions, recognizing that we are children of the same creator, and we all share the responsibility of bringing joy and health upon the earth. Inspired by December's angel, we can celebrate this season of brotherhood by doing one act of kindness every day of December ~ going out of our way to bring warmth and light into another's life.
Meaning : Success, Love, Luck, Happiness, Prosperity, Harmony, Contentment.
Color : Cyan / Turquoise (Blue Zircon)
Personal Characteristics :
- Loyal and generous.
- Sexy.
- Patriotic.
- Active in games and interactions.
- Impatient and hasty.
- Ambitious.
- Influential in organizations.
- Fun to be with.
- Loves to socialize.
- Loves praises.
- Loves attention.
- Loves to be loved.
- Honest and trustworthy.
- Not pretending.
- Short tempered.
- Changing personality.
- Not egoistic.
- Take high pride in oneself.
- Hates restrictions.
- Loves to joke.
- Good sense of humor.
- Logical.
Price : RM15 (each)
Stone : Swarovski Stone (10mm Heart shape, 4mm bicone, 6mm round, 11mm teardrop),
Rondelle, Montees
Size :20mm x 18mm x 10mm
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